10 March 2008

Happy Moments

I am fortunate that i have many happy moments in my life. In fact, so many that i have to think so hard which Happy Moments are those best Happy Moments in my life! After thinking long and hard, i realised that i was most happy when i am enjoying the biggest passion in my life!

Which is

Don't everyone just adore travelling? The things you get to see, the people you get to greet, the food you get to eat, and the culture you get to experience, all these makes ME who i am today.

Of course i must say that i am really fortunate to have the opportunity to travel around Europe when i was studying abroad. I miss backpacking Europe and i think that those are the happiest moment in my life until now!

Let me take you guys back to my happiest moments in life!!! Caution, long post ahead!~ and i forbid you to yawn or to laugh at how I looked like when i was in my uni days!

I did this 18 days around Europe Tour with my goodfriends Jin and Prisca. It was no doubt the toughest 18 days in my life, having slept in the airport and overnight train, walked so much carrying a more than 20kg backpack and everyday you just get so tired that you fall asleep in less than 5 minutes. However, YES it is still the happiest moments I ever had.

We slept in the London Airport and flew to Prague. Prague is actually not a very safe place for tourists as the Eastern Europe's economy was not doing really well.

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First dinner in Prague

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Prague food..
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Me @ Charles Bridge
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shop on the way up to Prague Castle
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Prague clock tower and Prague Square
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Then we took an overnight train to Munich, Germany. There was some incident when we were all sound asleep in the train. Suddenly we heard the American girls at the cabinet next to us SCREAMED out loud, asking why someone is taking their bag! Jin immediately went over and saw a guy leaving the Cabinet. He managed to stop that guy but that guy denied taking anything from the American girls then he started leaving again. Jin was unable to stop him this time and we had no choice but try to look for the staff in the train. It took them long time to respond and they said it happened frequently and there is no way that they can look for the theft in the train. Gosh, we were definitely frightened and Jin had to stay awake by the door since then!

Finally we arrived in Munich!
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love their sausages!
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we also visited the Dachau concentration Camp where Hitler used to kill Jewish. Hundreds of them have to squeeze into these wooden beds.
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Neuschwanstein Castle was beautiful!!! Disneyland Castle copied the model of this castle.
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We then moved on to Salzburg, Austria, Mozart's birthday place!
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shop selling Mozart chocolate! which tasted good!
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After Salzburg, we took train to go to Lucern, Switzerland! The most expensive country among all the places we were covering, Switzerland is also my favourite country among all! We were so poor that we had to eat bread everyday while we were at Switzerland and the cheapest accommodation we stayed was a Prison converted Hostel. It sounds kind of cool rite?
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My favourite part of the journey is when we went up to Jungfrau It is the place closest to Heaven!
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i know how unreal it looks but I had been there!!!It left me such sweet memories that i shall never forget ever in my life!

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me at the village bottom of Jung Frau

Last country of our journey----> ITALY - Italy is a great place as well! We went to Rome, Florence, Vatican City and Venice.

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Trevi Foutain, Rome. I throw a coin there! How come i haven't return?!

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the Great Colosseum

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Florence Cathedral. You don't even need to be a great photographer. All the buildings just turn out @mazing!

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Ponte Vecchio, Florence--- the place where most people proposed in Italy! It is such a romantic place..

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Italian GElato! I can have three cones each day!

Another significant place, the Vatican City.
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Magnificent view from the top of Vatican City

From Vatican City, we went to Pisa Tower.
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the superior interior design
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Venice, St Mark's Square
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night view of Venice

With Venice it ends our Europe backpacking tour of 18 days! We did it and i am sure for the three of us, it was worth it as it will always be our happiest moments in our life!

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and i shall never forget the people we met along our journey.

These are my Happy Moments. What are yours?

Happy - Happy Moments

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Have a nice week ahead!!!


KY said...

waa.. nice places!

Sheryl0202 said...

Yes KY! I don't think i can return to any of these places unless i strike lottery, you know lah, with our pay in Malaysia. :( I am a reader of your blog too :)